Week 1 - Poverty
- Sala-i-Martin, X., & Pinkovskiy, M. (2010) "AFRICAN POVERTY IS FALLING...MUCH FASTER THAN YOU THINK!" NBER WP n. 15775
Pinkovskiy, M. & Sala-i-Martin, X., (2014) "Africa is on-time", Journal of Economic Growth,
Pinkovskiy, M. & Sala-i-Martin, X., (2014) "LIGHTS, CAMERA,...
WP n. 19831
Rodrik Dani (2014) "AN AFRICAN GROWTH MIRACLE?" NBER WP. 20188
- Dercon, S. (2009) "Rural Poverty: Old Challenges in New Contexts", World Bank Reserch
Observer 24:1–28
Week 2 & 3 - Extended families and kinship
- Rosenzweig, M.R. (1988) "Risk, Implicit Contracts and the Family in Rural Areas of Low-Income Countries", The Economic Journal, 98(393):1148-1170
- Rosenzweig, M.R. and Stark, O. (1989) "Consumption Smoothing, Migration, and Marriage: Evidence from Rural India", Journal of Political Economy, 97(4):905-926
- Blumenstock, J., Eagle, N., and Fafchampes, M. (2011) "Risk and Reciprocity Over the Mobile Phone Network: Evidencefrom Rwanda", presented at the NEUDC 2011 conference at Yale
- Mobarak A.M. and Rosenzweig, M. (2012) "Selling Formal Insurance to the Informally Insured", mimeo
Week 4 - Determinants and consequences of fertility
- Osili, U.O. and Long, B.T. (2008) "Does female schooling reduce fertility? Evidence from Nigeria", Journal of Development Economics 87:57–75
- Lavy, V. and Zablotsky, A. (2011) "Mother's schooling and fertility under low female labor force participation: evidence from a natural experiment", NBER WP 16856
- La Ferrara, E., Chong, A. and Duryea, S. (2012) "Soap Operas and fertility: evidence from Brazil", American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Week 5 - Poverty and child labor
- Edmonds, E.V. and Schady, N. (2009) "Poverty alleviation and child labor", NBER WP 15345
- Basu, K., Das, S., Dutta, B. (2010) "Child labor and household wealth: Theory and empirical evidence of an inverted-U", Journal of Development Economics, 91:8-14
- Bharadwaj, P., Lakdawala, L.K., Li, N. (2013) "Perverse consequences of well intended regulation: evidence from
India's child labor ban", NBER WP 19602
Week 6 - HIV-AIDS in Africa
Week 7 - Special Topics: Civil Conflicts, Institutions
- Nunn, N., and Qian, N. (2012) "Aiding Conflict: The Impact of U.S. Food Aid on Civil War", NBER WP
- Lee, A, and Schultz, K.A. (2010) "Comparing British and French Colonial Legacies: A Discontinuity Analysis of Cameroon", mimeo
Week 8 & 9 - Growth Theory
General Readings
1) Handbook of Development Economics
Note: students of the University of Padova can download these resources from the PCs located in the Virtual Library of the School of Economics.
News about developing countries
IRIN NEWS - Humanitarian news and analysis. A service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Reliefweb - A website on ongoing emergencies